Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Prayers Are Not Answered

In my previous post I mentioned that I had asked XNU (the intelligent designer), what she thought about teaching intelligent design in schools. This led to an astounding discussion. What she said is that most proponents of intelligent design (and most religions) have it wrong.

While she did put the universe and all it includes into motion, she stopped tinkering with the design or making changes long ago. Even before humans evolved. The work is all up front and then she sits back and watches. She didn’t say directly, but I got the distinct impression that our universe was not her first or last attempt. I definitely believe that she doesn’t consider our version her best work.

So the intelligent design people and the evolutionists are both correct, in a sense. But XNU could not be sure how this universe would evolve so teaching intelligent design has no benefit. Science and evolution offer a better path to understanding the world XNU put into motion.

I asked XNU exactly where in the evolution of our world did she stop. Did she create complex cells with DNA and then stop or did she stop sooner or later? She smiled (I think) and basically said that her goal for this universe was to design a world that would continually evolve into a better place. Intelligent beings are one step on that path. As intelligent beings she would expect us to figure that out ourselves.

I asked her how we would know we had the right answer and she said “When you do, it will be obvious to EVERYONE.”

At this point I had to ask, “You mean you don’t pay any attention to the basketball player that makes the sign of the cross on his chest before a free throw?” XNU’s exact words, I should say word, was “No”.

What about the religious quarterback who owes his big win to God? XNU replied. “I did nothing. Would you expect me to do the math on every game and figure out which team was more deserving of the win? I’d have to add in the prayers and good works of the fans and Monday morning quarterbacks and sportscasters. How could that possibly be fair? And if you are talking about pro sports, many of the athletes are not the finest examples of my work. In pro sports I’d have to make most games a tie, for best losers.”

I was aghast! “You certainly must listen to the Pope” I shouted in disbelief. Again the reply was “No. I set this world in motion and now I watch to see how well I planned. All my work and careful planning at the beginning would mean nothing if I interfered now.”

“So you don’t care about organized religions?”


”Prayer means nothing?”


“What about miracles?”

“Miracles are just very fortuitous outcomes. I have nothing to do with them. There is always a rational explanation, you just take the easy way out and call it a miracle.”

Needless to say, I was stunned. My knees went week and I just sat down on the floor in the middle of my attic. I’m not even sure how long I sat there

“So religions and prayer and the Bible are worthless? I asked.

I think I better wait for another day to give you her answer. Reliving this encounter has left me a little shaky.

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