Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Intelligent Designer Makes Contact

In previous posts I've asked the Intelligent Designer to make himself or herself known and explain how some things in life don't seem to be too intelligently designed. I have been contacted!

She is currently living in my attic and prefers to be called Xnu. At least that is how it sounded when I asked. And actually she is not a she. Sexual identity has no meaning for her, but I find it rather blasphemous to call her "it" so I decided to use feminine pronouns when talking about her.

While we are talking about sex, I asked her about why the way plants and animals reproduce is so complicated (see my previous post) and why are there so many different methods. She admitted that getting sexual reproduction worked out was not her best work.

She said she would only be in my attic a short time. She gets bored staying in one place for any length of time. She would have probably left earlier, but she claims there are some spiders living in my attic that don't look like her work and she was going to study them awhile.

I know the skeptics will refuse to believe that Xnu is actually in my attic, but, believe it or not, I have more proof than other proponents of intelligent design. I've got a picture! I asked Xnu if I could take her picture and she said sure. I was surprised when she told me that people take her picture all the time, they just don't know it. Usually she is pretty much invisible, but when she is close to you and she moves some people can occasionally catch a blurred image of her. Because she moves around so much and cameras are now so ubiquitous, she appears in images all the time. Have you ever developed a roll of film or taken a digital picture and all that came out was a blur? That was probably Xnu.

So here is a picture of Xnu taken in my attic. I hope this puts this intelligent design debate to rest. I asked her about whether intelligent design should be taught in schools and her answer was very interesting. I'll talk about this more in a future post.
Intelligent Designer Xnu
Xnu said she would probably be moving on soon, but she would keep checking my blog and if she saw an interesting question or observation she might stop by to leave a comment.

Nice lady.

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That's not how I would have spelled my name, but your keyboard doesn't have the proper keys for the actual spelling so I guess XNU is OK. I prefer all caps.

Your readers might be interested in my recent commentary on the ID controversy, which includes an example of less than intelligent design.

The URL is:
Dr. Shapiro summarizes clearly the issues surrounding intelligent design. He has the scientific background that allows him to challenge ID where I can just make fun of it. If you are really interested in learning about intelligent design, his post (URL is in previous comment) or his home site The Irascible Professor
are good resources.

Thanks Dr. Shapiro.
Imagine if Intelligent Designer proponents came into the ascendancy and people turned to religion to find the Intelligent Designer (because Science will obviously fail here ... it's just not waht Science is good at); we would have a disfunctional society that would be incapable of blaming itself:

"In general," writes the author, Gregory Paul, "higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion in the prosperous democracies."

A striking example of this is the US, which has the highest degrees of religious faith and the highest rates of homicide, abortion, STD infection and teenage pregnancy. The least religious countries - Japan, France and Scandinavia - have the lowest rates of violent crime, juvenile mortality and abortion.
While religions can be a positive, civilizing force within a society and a comfort to an individual, when believers come to believe that they have the only path to God there are usually problems. They begin to think it is their religious duty to bring enlightenment to or retribution on non-believers.

It is the nature of true believers that they cannot except that theirs is not the only way. That would mean that they would be doubting their beliefs and that is unacceptable. Therefore there can be no compromise and rational discussion is impossible.

A true believer must have a closed mind. That is the meaning of faith.
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